Fanboy Slaughter

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...that Bethesda follows suit like they did with Oblivion and release this on PS3 at some point in the future.

5640d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I gotta say, it's a pretty good story, regardless of originality. The whole "shooting aliens" and "WWII obsession" deal with FPS's as of late is getting pretty damn old, and it's about time something that's neither is coming out.

5642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment's the integrity of N4G nowadays.

I heard something on the radio on my way to work which kinda sums up why the news on any front sucks balls now, and apparently it had something to do with a "Fairness in Media" act that expired some years ago, which paved the the way for numbnutted individuals like Bill O'Reilly and Nancy Grace to have their own shows and legally call it "news".

It's called "Infotainment", and not only is it NOT...

5647d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they wanna pay for things they'll never own, enjoy a pseudo-HD picture with the sound quality of a 96 bitrate MP3, and, depending on their connection, have intermittent hiccups during their movie, creating time for things like, oh, I don't know...getting pissed that their movie has been interrupted?

I know everyone has experienced this a LOT....watching a movie, only to have either: a) the power to go out, or b) get into a phone conversation, resulting in interruption of the...

5648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hold on Jason 360 (puts Dark Knight Blu-ray on pause, mutes 7.1 surround sound).

Sorry, I couldn't hear your butthurtedness over my 7.1 FullHD sound, sorry if it's muting out your crappy streamed sound.

By the way, being an MS beta tester just means you're an eternally replaceable corporate bottom feeder. So I would suggest not liking the smell of your own farts too terribly much.

*goes back to Dark Knight blu-ray and turns the surround WAY up to ...

5648d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

...too bad it'll be gone before you know it, reported...

5650d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

When the top contributors are super-bots who literally have no life outside of this hellhole, that's when I stick a fork in this site, it's done.

Even the commenters at Kotaku regularly use this site as a punch line, and that's sad beyond words.

Goodnight everybody, I tried. And so did a lot of you, but it's become apparent that this has become a playing field for fanboys who are more worried about what other people think of their console than actually PLAYING t...

5650d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, jason 360, I'm so hurt with your tired insults....reported.

5652d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they're sitting there with nothing better to do than enable theft and bring the incentive for quality to a scheeching halt, the least they can do is not be assholes about it.

And from what I've seen, a lot of major Blu-ray releases come with a digital copy disc to legally put it on your computer or ipod. Dark Knight, Iron Man, and plenty of other discs work just fine in my now-ancient 60GB PS3, without workarounds or otherwise.

Something tells me that a lit...

5653d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nevertheless, keep the disc, you never know when a digital copy may NEVER turn up.

5654d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

...for Kevin Periera. The guy's an asshole and Olivia Munn should only be thankful she's attractive or else someone might realize she has the brain function of a half-dead gerbil. Those two dual-handedly killed AOTS and definitely should be replaced. On a side note...I recently saw Diane Mizota (the former host of Filter back when G4 was worth watching) on Game Show Network hosting some Bingo show with Richard Karn. Good to see she can still get work, but I would like to see her back on G...

5656d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, I'm not a fan of Kanye West in the least, but I lost my father this past summer, and if ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, made light of that fact just to be entertaining in their show, they'd get more than an internet diss...they'd get an ass-beating to remember for the rest of their life.

He pretty much summed it up at the beginning of his video, yeah Kanye West is a crybaby and acts like a d!ck a lot, but to make light of his mom's death? That's just a low blow, and not o...

5656d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for making my day

5658d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He says this: "What it is, is a fancy DVD player for those who want to get the most out of their HDTV sets."

From what I've seen, even fancy DVD players can't play blu-ray.

He also says this: "The end of 2008 is not like the end of 1998. Blu-ray is launching into a world of far greater consumer choice than was the case for DVD."

At the end of 1998, DVD was still in it's infancy, not to mention the cheapest players were still in ...

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a kid, I remember playing that on my old Power Mac 6100. 66Mhz of fierce 2D gaming power mixed with a then-unheard-of 16MB RAM!!!


But yeah, every game on that list blows dogs for quarters. And they went ahead and released Elf Bowling: The movie?....I think they had to make some kind of UN pact or something that declared it only fit for torturing terrorists and summoning hellspawn.

5661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First Castlevania Chronicles and now Suikoden? Total loads of awesome. I actually JUST picked up Suikoden 5 at a Movie Gallery game sale last night for $4, and now I'll get the original for $6.

Now all we need is some FF7 and 8, and a dash of Xenogears, and it'll definitely make my christmas without breaking my bank....and yes, if FF7 is released on PSN, I could completely picture PSN crashing from all the simultaneous bandwith...not to mention the mega bank they'd be pulling...

5661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to see this on PS3 or 360...I absolutely loved the first game (which by the way was the ONLY reason I held onto my Wii for more than 2 months). I could see the sixaxis actually getting some relevant use out of the control, but I could also see it easily as executed with the 360 analog sticks.

I was a little underwhelmed by the open-area graphics, but it did have some stunning scenery within it (I know the desert road Wind Farm scene took me by surprise.), but all ...

5661d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You just can't enjoy a good job of sales blu-ray had without the King of Douche showing up to be the best buzz-kill he can be.

He reminds me of a guy that would scoff if you got 5 out of the 6 numbers right in the lottery, to laugh at you for ONLY winning $100,000 instead of the jackpot. The only difference is that you would have a $100,000...and he'd still be a douche.

He goes on to say that Blu-ray will surpass DVD by 2012, which is 6 years into it's lifespan....

5661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How nice of you to take notice of my personal nature.

Nice job of going through what was probably several pages worth of my comments. And as for wikipedia, not one word of that last post was anything near what wiki had to say, considering I didn't go there for my source.

I do have respect for your comment on digital TV, you...unlike most people on here, put some effort into it and it was informative...however, I will never make apologies for anything I say, sorr...

5662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because people read it, and fanboys tend to take opinion as gospel whenever they can find long as it's not a fact and can be exploited for their own agenda, then sure, why not?

5663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment